*NOTE* Please install all other files from the other folders before installing these. It is the best way to make every thing line up properly.

This installation will be somewhat more complicated than the other ones.
First off, if you have any of my previous files installed with the same name, you will need to remove them first to avoid any issues.
To do so, start FS9, and go to "scenery library". Then "delete area" to each one that you have installed. It will prompt you to restart FS9 for changes to take effect, so after removing all necessary files, restart FS9, and allow it to "build scenery databases". Then shut FS9 back down again.
Now to install new files, first go into FS9 folder, and drop all of the folders in this folder into FS9 main scenery folder. Now run FS9, go back to scenery library, and click add area. Now click on the scenery folder, and add each new folder in the "scenery" folder. Again, it will prompt you to restart FS9 for changes to take effect. So do so, and again it will say "building scenery databases". Once thats done, you are ready to fly over Tulsa. Enjoy!